How to find out about your child's day

Your children are busy throughout the day learning many new things.  However, when you ask them what they did in school they usually reply, “Nothing.” Rephrasing the way you ask your questions may lead to more descriptive responses. Here are some suggestions for you to ask your children about their day: 

  1. Tell me something exciting that happened today.
  2. Who are three people that you talked to today?
  3. What did you play at recess?
  4. If I walked into your classroom, what would I see?
  5. What was something new that you learned today in ______ (math/reading/etc)?
  6. What made you laugh today?
  7. Who was nicest to you today?
  8. Tell me one thing your teacher said.
  9. Tell me a story about today.
  10. If you could play more at recess, what would you do?
  11. Tell me about one paper that you worked on today.
  12. What did you do in your unified arts class today?
  13. What classroom job did you do today?
  14. If you could have done something differently today, what would that be?
  15. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Hopefully this will spark some great conversations!

Margo Faherty

Speech/Language Pathologist