Allison Witkowicz » Mrs. Witkowicz STEM

Mrs. Witkowicz STEM

Welcome to STEM!

             Oh the exciting things we will be learning this year in the STEM lab!

What is STEM? 

STEM is an acronym for four very important academic disciplines. These disciplines are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These four areas all put great emphasis on areas of creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. STEM is becoming more and more present in school systems all around the globe. 

We will be using Mystery Science to teach a full curriculum of topics to your students. These units allow in depth observations, discussions and experimentation. These units by grade level include;

Kindergarten - Wild Weather, Circle of Seasons, Plant Secrets, Animal Secrets

Grade 1 - Sun and Shadows, Moon and Stars, Plants Superpowers, Animal Superpowers

Grade 2 - Animal Adventures, Work of Water, Plant Adventure, Material Magic

Grade 3 - Stormy Skies, Animals through Time, Circle of Life, Power of Flowers

Grade 4 - The Birth of Rocks, Energizing Everything, Waves of Sound, Human Machine

Grade 5 - Spaceship Earth, Chemical Magic, Watery Planet, Web of Life


Science in STEM allows students to;

  • develop an interest of the world (living, material, and physical)
  • understand how the world works
  • gain strong collaboration skills
  • develop strong research techniques
  • learn using critical inquiry
  • work through experimentation and hands on investigations
  • explore and discover concepts through these experiments


Technology in STEM allows students to;

  • use different tools such as hardware, computers, robotics, audio equipment, and circuits
  • work with iPads, mobile technology, and video gaming
  • collect different pieces of data and create graphs and arrays
  • collaborate freely with other students and teachers in digital classrooms
  • all in which will enhance the students learning


Engineering in STEM allows students to;

  • connect all of the disciplines of STEM
  • seek solutions to problems
  • apply scientific knowledge and mathematics to design
  • build using a variety of materials
  • let their creativity shine


Mathematics in STEM allows students to;

  • test relationships by comparing data
  • draw general conclusions about the data
  • model the real world through various
  • create graphs and charts
  • calculate measurements and distances

Feel free to contact me with any questions!