Troy Sundwall » Monthly Newsletters

Monthly Newsletters

Check here at the beginning of each month to stay up to date on what your child is doing in P.E.!

Hello Clintonville Families,

It is that time of year again! Clintonville School is getting ready to kick off the Kid’s Heart Challenge (KHC) for the 2023-2024 school year! For any of you that may not be familiar, the Kid’s Heart Challenge is both an opportunity to learn and to be of service to kids in need of healthy hearts! The goal of KHC is to raise awareness and funds in the fight against heart disease as well as teach kids about heart, brain, lung, and social-emotional health. 

During this event, students will be discussing how we can keep our heart, mind, and body healthy while participating in various fast-paced activities during P.E. to get our hearts pumping! Students will also have the opportunity to raise money for the American Heart Association while earning Thank-You gifts and funds towards new P.E. equipment for our school! While a donation is not necessary to participate by any means, they are ALL truly appreciated! Every donation, big or small, makes a difference.

Here at Clintonville, our main focus during KHC is communicating knowledge to our students that will aid them in living independent and healthy lifestyles; but, we also like to reward them for their fundraising efforts! Along with the rewards earned from KHC, students are rewarded for every $5,000 earned with things like a Free Game Choice and Open Gym. At the end of last year’s challenge we raised $15,607! This outstanding amount of fundraising not only awarded us with $1,300 for new P.E. equipment for our school, but most importantly, we made an amazing contribution to kids in need together.

This year I am asking our Heart Heroes to once again rise to the challenge of raising $10,000 while earning various rewards along the way. Additionally, I would really like to try and get more students in our community signed up and involved which is completely free! This year our Sign-Up goal is 120 students. 

The Kid’s Heart Challenge will kick off on January 29, 2024 and will conclude on March 1, 2024. This is my favorite event of the year, as it never fails to get our students excited about being healthy and helping others. Thank you all in advance for your time and support of the Kid’s Heart Challenge!

Best Regards,

Mr. Sundwall